Weight loss and gut bacteria


W is for weight.


Can a disturbed balance of gut bacteria really contribute to weight gain or impaired weight loss? Yes.

There have been many studies on this, including a study on two mice with identical sterile guts. Scientists found human twins where one was obese and one was lean and placed their gut bacteria into the mice. The mice ate the same amount of food, had the same living arrangements and the mouse that was given the obese gut bacteria became obese and the mouse that was given the lean bacteria, stayed lean.

When they mixed the two mice together, the obese mouse’s gut flora started to take on the lean mouse’s and they started to lose weight. So why is there not an epidemic of lean humans then? Well you have to have the right ingredients. The study went on to feed the lean mice a standard western diet of cereals, pizza, sugary snacks etc and they all gained weight and the transfer of the gut microbes didn’t happen. When they fed the mice a healthy diet low in saturated fats and high in fruits and vegetables the gut microbes started to transfer again. This shows there is an intricate relationship between our diet and how are gut microbes work.

3 tips if you are struggling to lose weight

·         Balance your blood sugar! Ensure you eat protien with each meal, enjoy two healthy snacks in between meals. Add cinnamon, fenugreek and fennel to foods to balance blood sugar levels.

·         Exercise. 10 minutes brisk walking a day is better than nothing to boost metabolism and reduce cravings.

·         Avoid refined foods from packets as much as possible, eat as close to nature as you can. These foods are full of salt, sugar and preservatives that keep you hooked.

Camilla Gray